A downloadable tool

This is a simple scriptable-object based plug-and-play dialog engine that has a large amount of potential versatility, feel free to tweak and edit it to suit your needs!

When downloading, pick the TMP version if your project doesn't already have Unity's TextMeshPro package, and pick No TMP for a smaller, faster download if you don't have the TextMeshPro package.

Creating Dialog

Step 1) Put the dialog system prefab into your scene

Step 2) Right click in the asset menu, and go to create =>  Dialog System => New Dialog Object. 

Step 3) Populate the fields as needed, participants are basically any sprite that could be a part of a conversation! Use Cull Inactive Participants on the first line of dialog to avoid unneeded characters from appearing. 

This engine can go beyond four characters, but you'll need to edit the prefab (no code) in order to do that. 


ChirpDialogEngine_NoTMP.unitypackage 98 kB
ChirpDialogEngine_TMP.unitypackage 656 kB

Install instructions

Click and drag the .unity package into your project! If you don't already have Unity's TextMeshPro package, select ChirpDialogEngine_TMP, otherwise do NO_TMP for a faster download!